Homeward Bound

homeward bound sculpture richard brixel

Homeward Bound, 1996, Bronze sculpture, 110 cm, Askersund, Sweden.

On the lake Vättern sailed in former times these square rigged ships called “Råbockar” more then 20 meters long, about 7 meters wide and with mast heights of over 20 meters, heavily loaded with stone, sailed by only two brave men. Part of speech held by R. Brixel representing the international artists in Urumqi at the opening of the Harmonious Development 2009, International Urban Sculpture Creation Camp 2009.

The sculpture “Homeward Bound” is an attempt to capture the moment when the “Råbocken” sailing with tailwind on heavy sea, homeward with skipper and crew confident and safe in sharp contrast to the unpredictable powers of the weather.