J.A. Selander, 180 cm. 2006.
J.A. Selander was an intrepid defender of democracy, the chief editor of Eskilstuna-Kuriren between 1920 and 1963.
The sculpture communicates several stories and issues concerning courage. The fountain pen was J.A. Selander’s weapon. On November 30, 1940 the Soviet Union attacked Finland. On the wing are inscribed his own words:
On its way into a dark future the word has no other choice than to be free.
J. A. Selander Dec 4 1940.
This was written shortly before the start of one of the three court cases in which he was tried for his continuous public criticism in Eskilstuna-Kuriren of Hitler’s, Stalin’s and Mussolini’s dictatorships. J.A. Selander’s lawyer formulated his successful defense as follows: The truth can never be libellous.
J A Selander was found not guilty at all the trials.
The pen was his weapon.